How does CRAFTed work?
CRAFTed is a collaborative process. If you would like a class in your school to take part you must have a dedicated teacher who will work in partnership with the craftsperson you are assigned. CRAFTed consists of 10 hours of delivery; the craftsperson and teacher jointly plan and deliver the programme. Teacher and craftsperson jointly agree how these hours are broken down. They are supported in this process of collaboration by the CRAFTed team at a dedicated planning evening.
Who are the craftspeople?
Our craftspeople are drawn from our education panel. This panel is made up of registered DCCI makers, designers and craftspeople who have their own professional practice. They have received child protection training and are Garda vetted. They also have the option to take part in various up-skilling opportunities through the CRAFTed programme. View the Education Panel here. Craftspeople are assigned to a school based on geographical location and suitability.
Is there a cost?
Each school contributes €250 towards the programme. In addition, it is the responsibility of the school to provide materials for the programme, this will be to a maximum cost of €200. The DCCoI contributes €300 towards each programme and the local education centre contributes an additional €300, these monies are paid directly to the craftsperson for facilitation and travel.
How do I apply?
Places on the CRAFTed programme are limited. To register your interest for CRAFTed you need to fill in the application form and send to your local education centre www.ateci.ie. Application forms are available online from this site and are generally made live in November of each year.
Each Education Centre is responsible for choosing the schools in their area that are successful in securing a place on the programme.
Schools will be selected on their ability to meet the above conditions, the strength of their application, and the following selection criteria as identified by participating Education Centres:
Evidence of keen interest in visual arts education and collaborative practice
A balance and mix between the following: Urban and rural, Girl schools/Boy school/co-ed, Age range, Multi class, DEIS, Gaelscoil, Special School